MentHo - Mentoring in Hohenheim

In 2002, the University of HOhenheim decided to offer women in academia – students, academic and scientific staff – a MENToring programme. MentHo was set up to provide support for talented women in academia and to increase the percentage of women in leading positions both within the University and outside of it. It is addressed at women who are committed to their studies, who wish to pursue a career in science and research and who want to be part of a network. The network consists of undergraduate and post-graduate students, academic and scientific staff at the University of Hohenheim and partners from the private sector. All its members are women.

MENTHO is part of the Structure and Development Plan of the University of Hohenheim and was initially sponsored by the Ministry for Science. Since 2006, MENTHO has been financed exclusively and directly by the University of Hohenheim.

The head of MENTHO is Mrs Rotraud Konca, who is also the Equal Rights Representative of the University of Hohenheim . She is the contact person for all matters concerning mentoring. Additionally, there are several other staff members on the MentHo project.

The Concept

Mentees (undergraduate and post-graduate students, academic and scientific staff) from all stages of their studies are supervised by mentors, all of whom are more highly qualified than their mentees. The mentees profit from the professional experience of their mentors, who in turn benefit from the exchange and interaction with their mentees. Both make new contacts within the MENTHO network through a programme of regular events.

MENTHO offers both mentees and mentors seminars, lectures and workshops, during the course of which they can acquire additional qualifications to help advance their careers. As of 2005, participants on the MENTHO programme can receive the DMG Junior Manager Certificate. The support programme is free of charge for MENTHO participants. For further information, please click here.